E-Safety – Lets Talk!
We’d like to invite you to an information talk about E-Safety at the school on Wednesday 27th November at 4.30pm. The meeting will last for around an hour, and will be about…
- What we teach young people at school about being safe online
- How we make sure we are as safe as we can be in our ICT use in school
- How you can help as parents and carers to make sure our young people are safe online
- Anything parents have asked us about in the questionnaires we have sent out
- Anything else about e-safety that you would like to talk about
If you intend to come it would be helpful if you could email adam.fletcher@heathpark.net – but you are welcome whether or not you email in advance.
For today, the recent feedback we have had form parents is that they would like more information about online monitoring and filtering. Please have a read of the attached guide to different ways of filtering and monitoring internet access at home – we will talk about this issue more at the information meeting next week.
As usual, any questions please contact adam.fletcher@heathpark.net